Monday, April 16, 2012

Chapter 11 and 12 Reflections

Let me just say, I am totally defeated right now. My SMART Board Lesson is taking forever to upload to the discussion board, to where I missed my deadline and left wondering if I will receive a grade. I had a hard time learning the SMART Software and I was really proud of my lesson in which I did not use any pages from SMART Exchange. (mostly because I did not think we were supposed too, but then when I looked at other classmates they used SMART Exchange) Anyway, I created all of the pages and tools, and it took me forever, and yes, I did wait to the last minute to submit. Why did I do that? I know because I had another project due,my kids wanted my attention but I had already been at the library all day, and wanted to have every last minute to tweak it to make it perfect. AAHHHHHHHHHHH! Did I say I was frustrated and guess it is officially my birthday, and I am left feeling very unsuccessful. I have to admit, I love the rush when all of the assignments in EDTC 5010 are submitted. I am not left with that rush tonight.

Onto Chapter 11 and my reflections. But before that, I have to say that I generally take pride in my time management skills and technology was not on the same clock as me tonight! OK, no more excuses! There are many benefits of using both problem-solving and educational software in the classroom. Most problem-solving uses games which get the students attention. The text states that a "well-designed educational game is that they are structured to require application of content knowledge and skills in order to win the game!" Many principles of effective pedagogy are applied in educational games. The text describes these as individualization, feedback, active learning, motivation, and assessment. The benefits of educational software including drill and practice, tutorials, and integrated learning systems is that they provide instant feedback.

The question is, how do I chose the correct software? First, the teacher must have a lesson that is compatible with some type of computer function. here must be a match of objectives and computer functions. Once the lesson, and type of technology have been determined the teacher must find software that meets the objective/s, then one may evaluate the software for specific criteria. One very important aspect to evaluate is the ease of use. If the teacher cannot figure it out, most likely the students will not be able to either.

Some changes will need to be made when writing your lesson plan with the integration of problem-solving or educational software. The NTeQ model will address these changes with 6 of its components. Computer Functions, Research & Analysis, Results Presentation, Activities During, Before, and After will all need to be addressed.

In Chapter 12 of Integrating Computer Technology into the Classroom: Skills for the 21st Century written by Gary R. Morrison and Deborah L. Lowther the authors prepare the teacher for the implementation of using technology within the classroom. First, the teacher must be prepared before the students begin using the computers. Handouts should be available for the students with step-by-step guides, resource guides, and a task list are also good tools. Teachers must be prepared to teach the technology component of the lesson as well as the supporting activities and lessons within the unit. Before the students use the computers the text states that, one must create folders for their work, design templates, load specialized software, bookmark Internet sites, and have the computers on with the applications open. The computer part of the lesson depends on your plan. It could be during the focus and review or the teacher input. Computers should be used during the Research and Analysis part of a lesson as well. The next reflection question is: How do you ensure equal access for all students with only three students. The honest answer to that is there will be some days when you do not. With only three computers in a room and no computer lab on site, the teacher must implement the use of computers during centers. For upper grade levels, there could be a rotation throughout the day. This would take a lot of organizing to ensure there is equal access. I would teach the lesson via SMART Board or with the use of a computer and projector.



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