Monday, March 26, 2012

Reflections on Spreadsheets and Word Processing

I have to admit that I am very proud of myself for actually not dropping this course. I could not even copy and paste successfully a year ago! I have learned so much this semester in EDTC 5010. Being my first semester back in school after a 14 year diversion, I can honestly is good to be back! Not only have I gained a lot of experience with different types of programs, I have been able to turn around and implement what I am learning into my lesson plans as I teach art to K-5. Don't get me wrong, it is hard. Being a mom, wife, teacher, student, volunteer within the community, I am officially tired and I have not even been exercising! Okay, enough babble and complaining, I need to get on talking to you about word processing and spreadsheets...........tomorrow, it has to be tomorrow. But while you are online reading this blog, please go vote for my school, Orange Charter School at .

Thank you.